Division of Labor
As citizens freely move among all countries of the future world and the division of labor becomes widespread, the varying values held by individuals will tend to migrate to a more common set of universal values. As this occurs the concept of cultural evolution leading towards humanitarian convergence as described in previous blogs will become reality with the concomitant growth of a new class of citizens with shared values. Racial harmony will ensue, a stronger gene pool will emerge from an increased beige society and a global economic integration will result. Humanitarian Convergence will thus usher in an increasingly beige society as a result of the free flow of citizens, good, services and capital around the world. The European Union stands as a "pilot" in creating such a free flow system among its member states indicating the world will eventually move to a more global structure. While this ultimate goal will take years to fully implement and many more years to function smoothly, this breakout will eventually become a key component of the growing societal evolution over the next several generations. An increasing number of free trade agreements have been in place for a number of decades and functioning reasonably well, it is not unimaginable that the future holds a total humanitarian community with complete freedom and movement of goods, people, services and capital among and between the various societies. Free Flow Of Citizens In spite of transportation restrictions many of the early residents of most countries of the world over the centuries have flowed between countries without citizenship requirements. As the future unfolds, particularly in the face of a shortage of labor in developed countries, the free flow of citizens around the world will become common again. The emergence of a shared value system and a globally integrated economic domain will enable the goal of societal evolution to bring an ever widening peace among nations. This integration of all peoples will result in the eventual eradication of poverty, and the lifting of all peoples to an expanding middle class standard of living. While capitalism and competition will remain and indeed be strengthened by this free flow of resources, cooperation on the solutions to global problems will be enhanced. With this flow we will see the erosion of national boundaries and the growth of global institutions to solve global problems such as environment, currency, terrorism, financial regulation. As well the power of local institutions will increase in an effort to solve more local and regional problems specific to that level of governance. Nation states’ power will be substantially eroded with their dominate role largely nominating representatives to global institutions. Enlightenment Acceptance of these values and the principles that flow from them will hopefully bring the world to a new understanding of peace. This enlightenment period of course could be easily overshadowed by an uncontrolled capitalism which puts shareholders profitability ahead of society’s stakeholders concerns, by national protectionism, by excessive localism and by uncontrolled consumerism. These individual rights, however, while the key to an expanding convergence, must be accompanied by a new cosmopolitan societal network which supports these individual values; gives structure to their protection and growth globally; provides the environmental, political, economic and financial system resources to act globally; and ensures the philosophical framework to coalesce the new convergence. Breakout Our society sits in a critical period of history. As the last holdouts of socialism and authoritarianism fade from the world, a new era is expected to usher in a future breakout period requiring a significantly new level of society adaptation and functioning. We are left to define how we want the future to be for the next generations. We hold the keys to continuing our social evolution in the construction of a better world. Through concerted community action supported by governments at all levels there are proven methods which outline the process needed for citizen groups, organizations and community leaders to work towards these goals in pursuit of an improved quality of life at the local, national, and global levels. The result will help build the world of tomorrow in which nobody is left behind.
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